All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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1 book by Michael M. Jones (editor)

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Scheherazade's Facade
by Michael M. Jones (editor)
There have always been stories of those willing to blur or transcend the traditional gender roles. Some do it out of necessity, others are merely embracing their true selves. Sometimes it’s for fun, other times survival. Every culture has their gender benders, their cross-dressers, their rule breakers. From Bugs Bunny to Mulan, Alanna of Trebond to Klinger, our folk heroes and cultural icons push boundaries and challenge expectations. In Scheherazade’s Façade, twelve of today’s most intriguing authors spin tales of magic, mystery, self-discovery and adventure, each with a twist. In these pages you’ll find shape-shifting dragons, triumphant drag queens, tragic selkies, lost princes and would-be warriors. You’ll find star-crossed lovers and mysterious travelers, cross-dressers and gender bending heroes of all sorts.
Gender-bending and genderqueer short stories
gay, bisexual, nonbinary, genderqueer, queered culture, multiple culture, class, intersex, 2012 Adult

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gay lesbian
bisexual asexual
transgender nonbinary
genderqueer race
setting queered culture
multiple culture all-female
disability poly
pronouns class
intersex aromantic

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Books Anthologies Comics

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Fantasy Science Fiction Superhero Mixed Genre

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YA Adult Middle Grade

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